Generally meets the first Sunday of each month, following the service, to formulate governance, policy, and financial oversight for the congregation. Feel free to contact any member of the Board with thoughts about our community. If you have an item to bring to the board agenda, contact Board President Sue Cline or Vice President Ralph Whaley a week in advance of the scheduled meeting.

2020 Board Members:

Sue Cline, serving through 2020, President 2020

Ralph Whaley, serving through 2020, Vice President 2020

Susanne Bjorner, serving through 2020, Secretary 2020

Sian Harris, serving through 2021

Sallie Ann Killian, serving through 2021

Khoa (Anthony Joseph) Lewis, serving through 2021 2019


Rev. Doug Slagle, ex-officio member, non-voting

Mark Mueller, congregation Treasurer and advisor to the Board, non-voting

Michael Tacy, Music Director, non-voting