Board of Trustees (Transition)
Meets the second Wednesday of each
month to formulate leadership and
governance for the congregation. Contact
Co-President Sue Cline or Co-President
David Hester.
Book Club
Book discussion group meets the first
Tuesday of the month (except July and
December). Contact Becky Davis.
Building & Grounds Team
Maintains the campus and grounds,
including Memorial Garden and labyrinth
Contact Ken Wilson.
Flowers: Contact Mary Lou Aufmann.
Caring and Support Team
Provides nurture and support for members
of the congregation in time of need or crisis.
Contact Phyllis Berenson.
Children’s Religious Education
Includes Sunday morning activities and
classes, Coming of Age classes, and Chalice
Camp. Contact Marti Spiess.
Choir and Special Music
Provides music during Sunday morning
services and assists in planning musical
elements of service. (Choir schedule
following merger is currently under review.)
Contact Lindsey Johnson or Michael Tacy.
Interdenominational Affairs
Oversees our cooperative activities among
the UUA, its regional office, local UU
congregations, and other area faith
communities. Contact MJ Pierson.
Faces Without Places Team
Provides meals, school supplies, and winter
coats to homeless elementary age children.
Contact Rev. Doug Slagle.
Facility Management Team
Plans and implements maintenance,
repairs, and upgrades of the building
structure. Contact Robert Ford.
Freestore Foodbank Team
Volunteers second Saturday of each month
from 9:00 am to noon, to help address food
insecurity in our community. Contact Rev.
Doug Slagle.
Friendship Fusion
Women’s group visits area restaurants for
lunch the third Friday of the month. Contact
Melissa Shrimplin.
Provides light refreshments following
services on Sunday morning. Contact Penny
Shore or Robin Crahan.
Hygiene Kits Team
Purchases and assembles hygiene kits five
times a year for homeless youth. Contact
James Helm.
Interfaith Hospitality Network
At a host church, cooks and serves dinner,
and provides evening and overnight
hospitality for homeless families, five times
a year. Contact Kim Roots or Harriet
Internet and Social Media
Assist in design and/or maintenance of
GNH’s Internet presence and
Facebook: Contact Jennifer Schmahl.
Website: Contact Rev. Doug Slagle.
Handcrafting group meets for a sack lunch
the third Tuesday (except July/August)
Contact Susan Duncan.
Lighthouse Center for Youth Team
Prepares lunches for homeless young adults
the second Wednesday of alternating
months and the fifth Friday four times a
year. Contact Robin Crahan.
Membership Team
Welcomes visitors; assists with new
member orientation; and plans and
implements a variety of communitybuilding activities and social events. Contact
Richard Thornton.
Men’s Group
Coordinates service and social activities for
men of the congregation and sponsors
congregation-wide social events. Contact
Richard Thornton.
Maple Knoll Conversations and Outreach
Visits Maple Knoll Retirement Community
for conversation the second Thursday of the
month; also volunteer to read to visionchallenged seniors. Contact Phyllis
Berenson or Rev. Doug Slagle.
Moms’ Group
Monthly get-togethers for moms in
members’ homes for conversation and
relaxation. Contact Klarysa Benge or Susan
Service Leader
Serves on Sunday mornings to guide
worship and assist the minister and/or
guest speakers. Contact David Hester or
Vanessa Wernicke.
Service Planning Team
Assists in planning Sunday services and
arranging for guest speakers throughout the
year. Meets the second Friday. Contact Sue
Social Justice Team
Explores ways to promote social justice
locally, nationally, and internationally.
Sound and Projection
Runs the sound board and projector for
Sunday morning services. Contact Todd
Helps plan and carry out the congregation’s
annual pledge campaign. Contact Jennifer
Sunday Morning Transportation Team
Provides rides to Sunday services for
members needing them. Contact Betsy
Greets service attendees and distributes the
order of service on Sunday morning.
Contact Phyllis Berenson or Mel Levrant.
Ways & Means (Fundraising)
Raises funds to supplement GNH’s income; plans the spring auction, fall rummage sale & Goodies & Gifts Boutique. Contact Betsy Anderson.
Women’s Group
Meets the fourth Tuesday of the month for
dessert and fellowship. Contact Linda
Meets every Monday evening in the
Quimby Room. Contact Ray Nandyal.